1) THE PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL. In 2005 we used for the first series of holograms of the face and the front and the back of the body, photographs of Barrie Schwortz (© 1978-2010 Barrie M. Schwortz Collection, STERA Inc.). For the next holograms, produced in 2006 and 2007 we used second and third generation copies of the original photographs made by Giuseppe Enrie in 1931. In those days, the most reliable light-sensitive material was an orthochromatic emulsion (on a glass plate), which was sensitive to the blue and green elements of white light and insensitive to red and that resulted in an enhancement of the image of the body.
2) DIGITIZATION OF THE ENRIE PHOTOGRAPHS. The Enrie material was digitized by a professional Photo Lab in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, to obtain as much as possible density information of the image of the body. This resulted in 70-100 p.p.m., or about 200-900 MB per image.
3) CONVERSION PROCESS FROM 2D to 3D. Bernardo Galmarini, an Argentinean 3D expert, converted the gray-scale levels into depth data on the Z-axis of the photographs of Barrie Schwortz in 2005. In 2006 and 2007 he used the digitized material from the Enrie photographs and a more sophisticated way of conversion to obtain the vertical relief on the Z-axis, which was helped a lot by the existing cloth-to-body distance information in the gray scale of the image. He then generated a sequence of 625 images which were later integrated by the technicians of the Dutch Holographic Laboratory into a 3D Shroud image using a HOLOPRINTER.
4) THE CREATION OF THE MASTER HOLOGRAM. The DFCH Holoprinter, developed by the Dutch Holographic Laboratory, employed a LcoS chip (1920 x 1080 pixel resolution) to create a computer generated “MASTER Hologram” from the sequence of 625 images.
5) COPIES OF THE HOLOGRAMS AND OTHER 3D IMAGES. Having the Master Hologram it was now possible to create “white-light” copies, that can be viewed with a special halogen light. A Canadian Company produced in 2006 life-size holograms that were being used in exhibitions of the Shroud in Rome, Jerusalem, Sacramento, Cal. in the Museo della Sindone in Turin, and expositions in Panama and Honduras. Other 3D products that were produced with the converted material were LENTICULARS and 3D ANAGLYPH-photographs. Lenticulars are 3D photographs that are covered by a special plastic, consisting of thousands of little lenses and they make it possible to appreciate the hidden 3D in the photograph.
In the next chapters we will follow the 5 steps that led to the production of the different holograms and other 3D products.